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Vitamins D + A + K (20g, 30 and 100g)

Vitamins D + A + K (20g, 30 and 100g)


VITAMIN A serves to:

Immunity: Vitamin A not only strengthens the "entry points" of the human body, such as the mucous membranes, lining of the eyes, respiratory system, urinary system and intestinal system, it is also essential for the lymphocytes, or white blood cells, that fight infections in the body.

Eyes: Vitamin A, when converted to the retinal form (retinaldehyde), is vital for healthy eyes. It allows the eyes to effectively differentiate between light and dark, improving night vision. Additionally, vitamin A is believed to fight cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other age-related eye diseases.

Bones and teeth: When converted to retinoic acid, vitamin A effectively maintains the health of bones and teeth. Dentin, which also requires vitamin A, forms the hard layer of material in our teeth, ensuring the strength of our teeth. Vitamin A also plays an important role in replacing worn or old tissue with new tissue to ensure healthy bones and teeth.

Kidney Stones: Kidney stones, or solid particles in the urinary system, can cause pain, nausea, and vomiting when the stones form. Vitamin A produces a mineral compound in the body called calcium phosphate that can prevent these solid particles from forming.

Skin : Vitamin A's antioxidant properties fight free radicals that can damage the skin due to oxidative stress. By maintaining adequate moisture retention, the skin is not only protected against common dryness, but also against keratinization (the process in which the epidermis hardens into the heavy material that makes up hair and nails), psoriasis (a skin condition marked by red, itchy or scaly patches), acne, and even wrinkles.

Reproductive system: Vitamin A is known to be essential for the female and male reproductive process.


Bone health: The minerals calcium and phosphorus make up a large part of the substance hydroxyapatite that makes up more than half of our bone composition. Two substances, however, primarily regulate the body's use of calcium and phosphorus: parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D. PTH triggers the release of calcium from our bones into our bloodstream when levels fall too low.

Vitamin D, on the other hand, prevents PTH from using up too much of our bones’ calcium supply, helping our intestines absorb more calcium and allowing our kidneys to hold onto more calcium. By regulating our PTH function, vitamin D not only protects our bone health, but also fights against too much calcium in our bloodstream, which can cause cardiovascular problems.

Immunity: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in our immune system by triggering macrophage cells to release antibacterial proteins. These proteins have been shown to potentially prevent infections, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis (responsible for tuberculosis) and Mycobacterium leprae (responsible for leprosy).

Blood pressure: Vitamin D can help manage our blood pressure by controlling the system that raises our blood pressure when it gets too low, called the renin-angiotensin system. Our bodies need a healthy dose of vitamin D to inhibit this system from raising our blood pressure.

Insulin: Vitamin D regulates PTH levels from releasing too much calcium into the bloodstream. An overdose of PTH in our bloodstream can also cause fat cells to collect too much calcium, triggering the cells to produce too much cortisol, a hormone that counteracts the effect of insulin, making it harder for the body to metabolize sugars.

Muscles: Studies have shown that a vitamin D deficiency not only causes reduced muscle strength (independent of muscle mass), but can also inhibit nerve firing and triggering of muscle contractions.

Mental health: Recommended intake of vitamin D can greatly reduce the risk of age-related cognitive disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and mood disorders such as depression.


Essential for healthy bone formation and repair
Supports circulatory health.

  • Packaging

    Dark glass bottle with dropper type dispenser.

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